Item talk:Q761

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1. Following a stricter definition of "manufacturing sector" (as economic activity), it is challenging to categorise products made by specific manufacturing sectors as aliases and sub-concepts.

2. For example, terms like "food product(s)" and "manufactured" were removed as aliases because they are not true synonyms of "manufacture of food products" and "manufacturing sector" respectively.

3. However, certain labels such as "food product" are commonly used in climate regulatory vocabulary.

4. It will likely be necessary to either incorporate these items as part of "materials" or create a new concept to properly integrate them.

Potential new sub-concept: "Fashion industry" and manufacturing sector

1. Fashion industry has been one of the relevant industries in climate governance discussion, but so far, we do not have an item for that subsector.

2. However, if we decide to add this item, how we can classify the "fashion industry" into the manufacturing activities(Q761)?

3. As we followed the ISIC activities classification system for sectors, the manufacturing process is divided mainly according to the raw material which is processed.

4. For example, we have as sub-concepts "Manufacture of textiles", "transport equipment manufacturing ", "Manufacture of furniture".

5. However, "fashion industry" not only involves one raw material or product (e.g. textiles/clothes), also cosmetics, jewellery, and other accessories.

6. In that context, should we create the sub-concept "fashion industry"?

7. If that is the case, it might overlap with other manufacturing subsectors.